Stream of Praise Kids Worship

Tranform the lives of the next generation through Children’s Creative Worship School & Children’s Worship Album production. Our vision is to cultivate the spirit of worship at a young age, so that worship is not just a routine at church, but rather a daily lifestyle.

In worship school, children practice doing devotion daily, listening to the voice of Abba Father, worshipping in spirit and in truth, and experiencing transformation and renewal in worship. Since 2009, Stream of Praise has produced worship and praise albums exclusively for children; through worship songs that are easy to remember, children can worship God every day.

About Children Creative Worship School
Stream of Praise Music Ministries was established in 1993 and registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in California, USA in 1995. Stream of Praise Children’s Creative Worship School was established in 2008, and since 2014, by the grace of God, Stream of Praise was able to establish a local Children Creative Worship School in Hong Kong. In 2015, Stream of Praise further expanded to leading children’s creative worship conferences in Taiwan, so that children in Asia have the opportunity to participate in classes. Currently, classes are offered regularly each year in U.S.A. and Hong Kong, to allow children to learn how to worship, to know Jesus, and to teach them how to use the Devo book daily.

Our vision is to help children to be rooted in God’s word at a young age, to encounter God in worship, to experience God for themselves through listening to the voice of Abba Father. That the long, wide, high, and deep love of Abba Father would become the solid foundation of their lives and become a blessing for their generation. No matter what happens, they will cling to Jesus, be light and salt, and influence their generation with their prayer and life.   

Our Mission

Our Vision

Raise up the next generation of worshippers who love to worship and live out vibrant lives. Our goal is to utilize corporate worship time, prayer, Scripture reading, music, and the arts to lead the children to learn to love God, and form a lifestyle that pleases God.

Our Purpose

Stream of Praise Creative Worship School expects to train children to become influential worshippers and intercessors for their generation. To establish an intimate relationship with God and to influence others’ lives. We do not rely on our own ability or seek approval from this world to serve God, but rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to become worshippers and intercessors that please God. 


Know God and learn about worship, intercession, warfare, praise, etc., through Scripture and experience transformation through engaging in worship and intercessory prayer. Live out an abundant life in body, mind, and spirit. Furthermore, learn to serve, pray for, and bless one another.

Teaching Philosophy

In addition to having professional education and music background, we love God and love children; we care deeply about children’s physical and mental health, and spiritual growth.


Through daily devotion, we aim to know God deeper, listen to the voice of Abba Father, and understand our identity as the precious children of Abba Father. Learn the meaning of worship, characters of God, and leadership skill training through the Scriptures


Experience Abba Father’s faithfulness through prayer. Learn to use Scriptures to pray for yourself, your family, and your community. Exercise the authority and power of prayer in spiritual warfare.


Explore and discover gifts from God through dance, singing, music, arts, and teamwork. Use these gifts in creative ways to serve and glorify God.


Encounter Jesus in worship, touched by God, filled by His love, experience Him personally, develop intimacy with Him, and respond to His love.
Our Team
Rev. Sandy Yu
Stream of Praise President/CEO
游智婷牧師 [Rev. Sandy Yu] 是讚美之泉音樂事工創辦人,負責人,讚美之泉所有專輯製作人,及主要敬拜主領。她有二十多年的豐富音樂創作及製作經驗,曾寫過兩百多首歌(如「讚美之泉」「將天敞開」「能不能」...等),製作五十餘張專輯,也曾出版兩張個人鋼琴敬拜專輯「單單愛慕祢」「能不能」。結合古典音樂的細膩與現代音樂的新穎,智婷牧師對音樂的詮釋不僅深觸人心,更跨世代地受到喜愛。她不僅帶人讚美爭戰,也帶人進入神深深的同在裡。主唱許多首讚美之泉膾炙人口歌曲,歌聲帶著極大的權柄和能力,帶人恢復盼望,得到醫治,重新得力,是位極有生命恩膏的敬拜主領。
Pastor Celine Cheung
SOP HK School Principal
張思言傳道畢業於Cathedral of Praise Music College及香港神學院,亦考獲英國皇家音樂學院八級聲樂。從小於教會及不同的公開聚會中事奉,主要以歌唱及綱琴服侍,有多年參與詩班及敬拜團隊的經驗,亦有創作敬拜歌曲。2011年開始回應神呼召加入讚美之泉事工,委身於兒童敬拜及創意敬拜學校中,透過多元的創意和教導帶領孩子一步一步走進神的心意中,用敬拜和禱告祝福未後的世代,於2013年開始了讚美之泉香港創意敬拜學校。除教學外,張思言傳道亦跟隨讚美之泉參與亞洲巡迴事奉,在創意敬拜營中帶領敬拜,也在巡迴聚會中作敬拜歌手。
Ms. Ely Tai
SOP US School Director
戴伊蓉老師 [Ely Tai] 畢業於Life Pacific University, 主修教育。於讚美之泉擔任國際兒童敬拜學校統籌及主要兒童學校老師。於 2000 年加入讚美之泉,擔任和聲歌手,參與錄製多張專輯、並負責版權部門相關業務。過去幾年中,她帶領著50多名老師,服事美國和台灣數百位兒童創意敬拜學校的學生,以各種創意的表達,帶領孩子們敬拜神。Ely老師也在美國、台灣、香港、墨西哥和流浪救援中心服務孩子們超過25年的經驗,在她的生命中流露出極大的愛心。多才多藝的Ely老師,不但活潑風趣,她充滿活力的教學方式,讓孩子們一見到她,就愛上她!